Accessibility statement
We believe we've done everything we can to make this website as accessible as possible to all. The list below should give you an insight into how much we really have thought about this. Nobody is perfect though, and if you think we can do more to reach more of our customers then please get in contact and let us know.
- To make our website easy to view, we have designed and built it in accordance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 1.0 and the WCAG 2.0 set out by the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI).
- Pages on the site are built to conform to web standards set up by the W3C. This ensures it is future-proof and displayable by as many standards conforming browsers/user agents as possible, not just the browsers the site was originally tested in.
- The whole site has been tested on a range of modern day browsers, which include Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Google Chrome and Opera.
- Information on the page is structured in a familiar, simple and sensible way.
- Each page on the site includes a number of hidden headings, links and content which only a screen reader can pick up on. Making the browsing experience a much easier task for users with visual difficulties.
- Shortcuts or 'access keys' are included on items in the main navigation to aid the browsing process. If using Firefox, the access keys are activated by holding alt + shift and the key for the item. In Internet Explorer, an access key is activated by holding alt and the key for the item, then pressing return. The access key for a particular item in the menu is always underlined. For example, the access key for 'home' is 'h'.
- Content on the site is separated cleanly from presentation, meaning that our site users are free to specify how they want the site to appear by using their own style sheets.
- Different style sheets for different media types are included with the document. The site is dynamically styled to look different depending on how it is being viewed - so it looks great when viewed on a mobile phone, as a printed document or with a regular web browser.
- As much content as possible is plain text, and the way the code behind the pages is structured ensures that resizing the text on a page doesn't make parts unreadable or inaccessible.
- A fluid design means that the site will expand width ways to fill most of your browser screen, regardless of your computers screen resolution. This means that it never gets 'stuck' in the top left corner and doesn't appear as a thin column in the centre of the screen as some sites can do.
- We don't utilise any Flash content which needs plugins, nor do we use JavaScript to do anything that can't be done with it turned off. In other words, no matter which browser you view our site with, the chances are it'll work for you without any troubles at all.
If you want this kind of professional, proactive, open and indepth thinking working for you, you had best get in touch with us via our contact form.