HTML5 <article> for WordPress comments

WordPress natively allows us to wrap comments in <div>’s or <li>’s but not HTML5 <article> elements. If you want to do this, add an ‘end-callback’ param to the wp_list_comments function call and set ‘article’ as the style (in comments.php):

    wp_list_comments(array('callback' => 'twentyten_comment',
                           'style' => 'article',
                           'end-callback' => 'twentyten_comment_end'));

…then in functions.php, add the callback function:

    if(!function_exists('twentyten_comment_end')) :
     * Allow HTML5 <article> (or anything else) for comment container.
    function twentyten_comment_end($comment, $args, $depth) {

        switch($args['style']) {
            case 'ol':
            case 'ul':
            case '':
                echo "</li>\n";
                echo '</' . $args['style'] . ">\n";

Migrating WordPress to a new URL

WordPress is a nonsense, and stores it’s URL in multiple places in the database. If you want to move your WordPress install to a different host, exec the following MySQL commands to change the URL in all instances:

UPDATE wp_options 
   SET option_value = REPLACE(option_value, "[Old site URL]", "[New site URL]")
 WHERE option_value LIKE "%[Old site URL]%";
 UPDATE wp_posts 
   SET post_content = REPLACE(post_content, "[Old site URL]", "[New site URL]")
 WHERE post_content LIKE "%[Old site URL]%";
  UPDATE wp_posts 
   SET guid = REPLACE(guid, "[Old site URL]", "[New site URL]")
 WHERE guid LIKE "%[Old site URL]%";

   UPDATE wp_postmeta
   SET meta_value = REPLACE(meta_value, "[Old site URL]", "[New site URL]")
 WHERE meta_value LIKE "%[Old site URL]%";

Replace [Old site URL] and [New site URL] appropriately

Use this form to generate the SQL for YOUR database