CakePHP models don’t allow you to access the session object. It is argued that this isn’t the MVC way. I tend to agree. Your controller should really pass any needed session data to the model…somehow.
My use case is that my model needs to validate that when a new user is created, it is given a “group” with equal or lesser privileges than the creator’s group.
Whilst they wouldn’t be able to use the create user form to do this (as the form only lists groups they can assign), we still need to guard against it on the server as it would be trivial to submit a specially crafted POST request with a group ID of a group with higher privileges.
My model needed to access the logged in user’s group ID from the Auth component (which stores its data in the session). So that when my model data was validated, I could check for a valid group ID, based on the group ID of the current user.
I knew I needed to make use of custom validation methods, but how could I get hold of the current user’s group ID? The Auth component isn’t available in the Model, so, what could I do?
Luckily, CakePHP’s AppModel defines a function called “validates”. Which allows you to check whether a model’s data is valid, but crucially it allows you to pass custom options to be made available in the “beforeValidate” callback.
So instead of simply saving my model data to the database, I call this function, passing my current user’s group ID and THEN call save (passing it a parameter to tell it not to bother validating the data again).
In my model, I overrode the “beforeValidate” callback function, which defines (on the fly) a new validation rule: a custom validation method, that takes the current user’s group ID as a parameter. My custom validation method can then check the model data against the current user’s group ID to see if it is valid. WIN.
Below I’ve included some example code to illustrate how this works. In this example I pass the whole Session object to the custom validation function. Which is slightly overkill. I think you should really just pass the data you need. Create a model that looks something like:
class MyModel extends AppModel { var $validate = array( // Your usual validation rules for all fields ); function beforeValidate($options) { if(!empty($options) && isset($options['Session'])) { $this->validate['fieldName'] = array( 'ruleName' = array( 'rule' => array('validationFunction', $options['Session']) ) // + your default validation rule(s) for this field ); } else { // Either... unset($this->validate['fieldName']); // If you have no normal rules for this field // Or... //$this->validate['fieldName'] = array( // Your default validation rule(s) for this field //); } } function validationFunction($check, $session) { // Do your checks with session data return true; // or false } }
You use this in your controller like so:
class MyController extends AppController { var $uses = array('MyModel'); var $components = array('Session'); function action() { if(!empty($this->data)) { $this->MyModel->create($this->data['MyModel']); // Validate, passing custom options to be made available in the beforeValidate callback if($this->MyModel->validates(array('Session' => $this->Session)) === true) { // Save, without validation $this->MyModel->save(null, false); } } } }
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