Spring Web Flow – displaying your JSR-303 validation messages using FreeMarker

Instead of creating a custom validator in the traditional sense I’m relying on JSR-303 annotations to specify validation constraints, because, it is the future, and I shouldn’t have to do a load of coding to specify common validation requirements like an email address regular expression or a numeric value that is required to be within a defined range.

Using Spring web flow, I found that binding error messages weren’t available when I called “<@spring.showErrors ‘<br/>’/>” in my freemarker view (after I had bound the field I wanted to show errors for of course).

So where are my error messages?

It turns out that Spring Web Flow has a different way of providing the user with feedback messages. The Spring Web Flow reference documentation says: “Spring Web Flow’s MessageContext is an API for recording messages during the course of flow executions”.

The message context (with all your binding error messages in it) can be found here: flowRequestContext.messageContext. I’ve written a couple of macros to make retrieving error messages from this object a little easier:

 * Shows flow messages (which reside in flowRequestContext.messageContext)
 * @param source Name of the field that caused the error
 * @param severity String representation of org.springframework.binding.message.Severity
 * @param separator the html tag or other character list that should be used to
 *    separate each option. Typically '<br>'.
 * @param classOrStyle either the name of a CSS class element (which is defined in
 *    the template or an external CSS file) or an inline style. If the value passed in here
 *    contains a colon (:) then a 'style=' attribute will be used, else a 'class=' attribute
 *    will be used.
 * @param tag The HTML tag to wrap the error in
<#macro showFlowMessages source severity separator classOrStyle="" tag="">
  <#assign messages = flowRequestContext.messageContext.getMessagesBySource(source)/>
  <#if (messages?size > 0)>
    <#list messages as message>
      <#if message.severity?string == severity>
        <#if classOrStyle == "" && tag == "">
          <#if classOrStyle == "">
            <#if tag == ""><#local tag = "span" /></#if>
            <#if classOrStyle?index_of(":") == -1><#local attr="class"><#else><#local attr="style"></#if>
            <${tag} ${attr}="${classOrStyle}">${message.getText()}</${tag}>
        <#if message_has_next>${separator}</#if>

 * Shows flow messages (which reside in flowRequestContext.messageContext) in an ordered or unordered list
 * @param source Name of the field that caused the error
 * @param severity String representation of org.springframework.binding.message.Severity
 * @param classOrStyle either the name of a CSS class element (which is defined in
 *    the template or an external CSS file) or an inline style. If the value passed in here
 *    contains a colon (:) then a 'style=' attribute will be used, else a 'class=' attribute
 *    will be used.
 * @param ordered Whether or not the macro should output the list as an <ol> or <ul>
<#macro showFlowMessagesList source severity classOrStyle="" ordered=false>
  <#local errorsList><@showFlowMessages source, severity, "", "", "li" /></#local>
  <#if errorsList?trim != "">
    <#if classOrStyle == "">
      <#local attr="">
    <#elseif classOrStyle?index_of(":") == -1>
      <#local attr=" class=" + classOrStyle>
      <#local attr=" style=" + classOrStyle>
    <#if ordered><ol${attr}><#else><ul${attr}></#if>
    <#if ordered></ol><#else></ul></#if>

I’ve added these to my spring extensions, which you can download here: springx.ftl

One thought on “Spring Web Flow – displaying your JSR-303 validation messages using FreeMarker

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