Integration testing transactions and optimistic locking with Spring and JUnit

I did some badness today.

I wanted an integration test to check to see if my @Transactional method actually did rollback on an optimistic lock failure. It’s a pretty business critical method so I wanted to be sure that the whole @Transactional and @Version annotation voodoo actually works.

The approach I took was to inject, what I called a “slowRepository” into the object with the @Transactional method. The slowRepository is just a mockito mock of the object which “answers” (using “thenAnswer”) to the “findBy…” with some custom code.

The idea is that at some point during the @Transactional method the slowRepository is called and the “answer” code is invoked. In the test, the answer code follows along the lines of:

1. Grab the data it requires from the (not slow) repository (the repository the slowRepository is mocking)
2. Switch back the slowRepository for the not slow repository
3. Invoke the @Transactional method again on a separate thread
4. Sleep for a bit
5. Wake up and return the data from step 1

The @Transactional call on the separate thread completes and commits before slowRepository wakes up. When it does, slowRepository returns stale data and the @Transactional method then fails accordingly.

The problem I encountered was using the setters for my @Autowired dependencies on the bean with the @Transactional method. I needed to use the setters so that I could switch in and out the slowRepository, but couldn’t because Spring AOP proxies are implementations of an interface, not subclasses (by default – yes I realise you can get Spring to proxy the target class using CGLIB). I found this blog post which explains how to get at the target object behind a Spring proxy. I converted it to Scala:

…which is pretty ninja.