I want my Snow Leopard functionality back!

Lion’s Mission Control is the closest thing I have to Snow Leopard’s Spaces. Generally, I’m fine with Lion. I’m used to the reverse scrolling and can just about deal with not knowing what I can and can’t scroll (although that is starting to grate), but the following things really affect me as they are “killer features” that I now don’t have:

  • No see “all windows in all spaces”. In Snow Leopard I had bottom left as my spaces hot corner and bottom right as my all windows hot corner. What was awesome was that I could trigger spaces at the bottom left, and then trigger all windows at bottom right – which meant I could see all windows in all spaces! Mission Control shows me all windows in the current desktop, but not all windows in other desktops…grrr
  • No moving windows between spaces/desktops. In Snow Leopard I used to be able to move windows between spaces, I cannot, in Lion, move windows between desktops…double grrr
  • No rearranging desktops in the order I want them. Also note that “Automatically rearrange spaces based on most recent use” is completely useless. I really don’t want Lion to move my furniture around…how am I ever going to find stuff if it isn’t left in the place I put it?

9 thoughts on “I want my Snow Leopard functionality back!

  1. Regarding your second point: you can move windows between desktops quite easily. Just bring up Mission Control when the window is frontmost and then drag the window of interest.

    If you have keyboard shortcuts set up to jump to your destkops (like Control-1, Control-2, etc.) you can still type the shortcut while in the process of dragging the window.

    You can also still drag the window to the left or right edge of the screen to move it to another desktop. What you can’t do is to drag it “up” or “down”, because the new way is a line instead of a grid.

  2. You’re right, but I meant that you can’t drag windows from other desktops into the current desktop. I used to be able to do this with Spaces.

  3. I couldn’t agree more. I want to see every window in every space and I want to be able to drag windows from/to any space–not just the focussed space. Did Apple just decide these features were too confusing to noobs? Fine, but give us a way to switch back to Snow Leopard Spaces. Grrrr!

  4. i could’t agree more also !!! … I miss that functionality daily … is there no one who could make a fix for that ? I would want to pay for that … great post !!!

  5. these are the 2 comments I copied from the Apple discussions site … maybe it is a help maybe you already knew …

    Spaces is now part of “Mission Control”:
    - You can set some preferences in the System Preferences -> Mission Control tab,
    - to assign applications to spaces use the app-icons in the Dock. Ctrl-Click the icon and select
    Options -> assign to space …. whichever you want.
    - To create, remove and arrange spaces start mission control.

    you can create new spaces (top right corner) and remove them (hold down alt like in dashboard) inside mission control.
    you can also create a space by dragging a window to the top row.

    if you used keyboard shortcuts to switch to a specific space then you can do that in the mission control section of “keyboard” in sys prefs.
    if you do use that feature be sure to uncheck the “automatically rearange spaces based on most recent use” or it can get quite disorienting.

    pretty much everything though is in either the mission control pref pane or in mission control its self.

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